Tuesday, July 6, 2010

For the Love of Halloween

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. I tend to plan well in advance, putting a costume together etc. etc.
I am making some microscope slides for my etsy shop for this Halloween. I love the somewhat "dark" images. The slides have been copper foil wrapped and are patiently waiting for me to solder them.
I am almost finished with my Beautiful Bohemian Gypsy Girl Tarot cards. They should be ready for my etsy shop within the next few days.
Now....go make something beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ms. "L"

    Thank you for stopping by to sing and fly!!
    About Kelly the cat they do bring things in don't they. Our Cat brought a bird in when Hannah was young (my daughter) caught the cat well the cat ended up with a spanking from her...I tell you Hannah will protect her birds, well she will protect just about everything ")
    Come soon for more inspiration, and I will come to visit you as well :)
