Can you believe I purchased the chair for $5.00 at a tag sale. It's fine for now......but I plan to recover it with some burlap coffee bean sack material, that I bought a while ago on etsy.
The sweet little suitcase was found at a local resale shop for only $12.00. I noticed the shop on Friday when I was at my Doctors office. My appointment was pushed back till Monday because so many people down here are sick, and my doctor was running very behind.
I was all dressed up with no place to when I noticed the resale shop, I stopped in.
The owner told me , her son buys abandoned storage units like they do on "Storage Wars".
I think the suit case is really a doll case. It is made of wood. Lined in blue velvet on the inside and leather and brass on the outside.
I also noticed a gigantic resturant frying pan.....big enough to fry a full pound of bacon without crowding and several nice orphin chairs (all priced less than $20.00) that would work well in my office.
Thrifting gets into your blood and I have not had a thrifting fix since my local shop closed before Christmas. I am hooked on thrifting and have not the strength to fight it.
Have a Wonderful Day !